Sunday Immersion recording - awaken your inner strength part 3
CoursePart 3 of 3 on awakening your inner strength. In this immersion we enquire into how we show up in the world, building on the earth connection and ease in movement. The focus is on freeing the thoracic spine and heart space.
Yoga Immersion Series - Inner Strength
BundleThree 2h Yoga immersions on the foundations to awaken your inner strength.
Sunday Immersion recording - a brave space
CourseWith the challenges of the world we live in, it takes a lot of bravery to show up every day. In this immersion we explore how we can regulate our nervous system and regain a sense of self.
Sunday Immersion recording - exploring our fascia
CourseLet's explore how we can get a felt sense of fascia in our body and how we can un-do its holding patterns no longer serving us.
Sunday Immersion recording - self-renewal & manifestation
CourseIn order to be able to manifest our goals and dreams, we need to build a strong foundation of self-care for body, mind and soul. In this practice we focus on regulating the nervous system, mobilising and vitalising the body and un-do tension.
Sunday Immersion recording - going deeper
CourseWhen it really matters, we need to go deeper. Go deeper in our practice, build our strength and resilience, form our connections and stability, prioritise self-care, gain more clarity, and listen harder.