Sensory clarity and whole body realignment through tissue integration

Using the fascia as a gateway

This 6-week series will focus exploring practices, stretches, yoga asana, and breathing exercises that will safely and gradually initiate a reframing and repairing of our fascia through 5 specific lines. Each class is 60 minutes long and includes stretches, repetitive movement, and basic knowledge about each line of fascia being touched upon. You will receive additional practices, resources, and thoughts about Fascia that you can explore at your own pace for each class.

Course curriculum

    1. Quick Hello and Welcome

    2. What you will need for this course

    3. Embracing your Resources

    1. Week 1: The Superficial Back Line

    2. Week 2: The Lateral Line

    3. Week 3: The Functional Line

    4. Week 4: The Superficial Front Line

    5. Week 5: The Spiral Line

    6. Week 6: Integration

    1. Reflections

    2. Farewell but never Goodbye

About this course

  • €50,00
  • 11 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

Start your journey now

Please note that 25% of the proceeds from this class supports Legacy Motion's programmes with survivors of trauma worldwide.