Mind Body Strategies to develop more Awareness
An online resource
Online programme
All the recordings are now available!
During this programme you will receive
How the programme works
20-minute practice: Stretches and Shapes with Kirsten
2h Seminar with Katrin - Change the narrative of the stories that inform our ability to navigate life
Exercise: Body Mapping
Breathing: Somatic Breathing Practice
Yoga: Gradual opening of the body
1h Yoga practice with Kirsten: Moving through the fascia
Meditation: Guided meditation for daily life
Breathing: 30-minute breathing practice with Katrin
Practice & Self-Massage: Feet, Feet, Feet
2h seminar with Kirsten - The body, memory and shifting our internal and external Awareness
Exercise: Create your own ritual
Yoga: Pawanmuktásana: the Great Healer
1h Yoga practice with Tiago: Creating space - think about the breath and let the body follow
Yoga: Exploring our Plains of Movement and Comfort
Meditation: 20-minute guided Meditation with Tiago
2h seminar with Tiago - The problem is You, the Solution is You : The power of Tapas and Sankalpa
Yoga: Bringing Heat into the Body
Yoganidrá: deep yoga relaxation
1h Yoga practice with Katrin - Rediscover Sensations
Yoga: A Restorative and Comfortable Practice

About this course
- €180,00
- 21 lessons
- 13.5 hours of video content
Get life-long access now!
Regular price
Programme Facilitators
Kirsten (Kaye) Wilkinson
[email protected]
Programme Facilitators
Tiago Botelho
[email protected]
Programme Facilitators
Katrin Heuser